Our Offer

Euro Labora provides the following services:

Recruitment and selection of a permanent staff (Permanent Placement)
Recruitment of temporary workers (Temporary Staffing)
Recruitment for work abroad (International Recruitment)
We help you find new jobs redundant workers (Outplacement)
Direct Search

Our services include temporary employment, recruitment services, outsourcing and outplacement, to give our customers more flexibility, improved planning security and increased productivity.

Co-operating with the Euro Labora is to prevent the company from incurring the costs of recruitment and administration, while providing business transfer to the Euro Labora need for cumbersome and lengthy recruitment processes.

One of the missions of our activities on the Polish market is the conviction that any change should aim to increase the profitability and effectiveness of the company.

Looking for staff? you placed an advert in the press but candidates do not report? Trust our experience and knowledge of the industry and let us search for staff.

If you want to hire an employee / s and use our recruitment services, please use the contact form.

Euro Labora
Plac Wolności 1 (first floor)
47-400 Racibórz
NIP: PL 748-118-90-31

Write to us

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